
In the exhibition, the aspect of the screening which was grey, massive, only bitumen stairs without proper seats could remind the visitor of the architectural atmosphere of the USSR which he or she would discover in the film and footages.

The footage of the town also allowed to have an impression of the architecture in ‘DAU town’. The town in itself was reconstructed on the Soviet architectural rules of massiveness and usefulness: the streets are large and the buildings are tall (Buchli, 1999). After the revolution, new buildings were constructed taking part in the ‘faire table rase’ of the past policy, creating the new material successful communist world (Hudson, 2015; Murawsky, 2018).


Red army theatre
Source: in Hudson, Hugh D., Jr. (2015)


Leningrad House of Soviets
Source: in Hudson, Hugh D., Jr. (2015)


DAU town street view.







‘DAU town’ view of a building.








The presence of statues also reminds the visitor of the former Soviet Union. Stalin was attached to symbols and icons and enhanced the construction of statues of Lenin in each town, villages in the USSR (Kiaer, Naiman 2006). In ‘DAU town’, the statue does not represent Lenin as in USSR, but still recall this central material aspect of a Soviet Town. 


Example of statues in DAU town. Source:


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